
Marc Gebauer: From Social Media Sensation to Shopify Success – 108x ROI Boost with ParcelPanel

A Whopping ROI
Dip in WISMO Queries
Spike in CSAT
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Business Profile

Brand: Marc Gebauer

Industry: Accessories

Platform: Shopify Plus 

Country: Germany

Year Founded: 2020

Employees: N/A

Usage: Since Jan 2021

Carriers: 5+

Integration: N/A


Brand Introduction

Marc Gebauer isn’t just a name that resonates with luxury watch enthusiasts on social media; he’s a beacon of quality and precision in the world of horology. His online store offers a curated platform for global aficionados to indulge in the finest timepieces.


The Journey

When Marc’s videos on luxury watches started gaining traction on social media, fans were captivated not just by the glint of the watches but also by Marc’s genuine passion and expertise. Their trust in his recommendations was evident. They wanted more than just videos; they wanted to own pieces he vouched for. 

Heeding his fans’ clarion in 2020, Marc embarked on a new journey by launching his Shopify store. The response was overwhelming. Orders poured in, and while the cash registers were ringing, so were the alarm bells. The rapid growth, though exhilarating, brought with it a slew of challenges.


The Challenge

The influx of orders was a testament to Marc’s influence and the trust he had built. But with great power came great responsibility. The surge in WISMO (Where Is My Order?) queries was becoming a logistical nightmare. The customer service team was swamped, and the once sky-high customer satisfaction rates were plummeting.


The Solution

Determined not to let order tracking challenges tarnish the brand’s reputation, Marc and his team delved into the Shopify app store. Their quest for the perfect order tracking solution led them to ParcelPanel. It was a match made in heaven. ParcelPanel offered:

  • Multilingual Tracking Page: Catering to Marc’s diverse clientele from German and English-speaking countries, this feature ensured a personalized post-purchase experience.
  • Post-Purchase Marketing Channel: Recognizing the potential of the tracking page as a marketing goldmine, Marc’s team leveraged it to cross-sell and upsell, driving repeat purchases.
  • Smart Analytics Panel: This feature empowered the team to monitor carrier performance, ensuring timely deliveries and enhancing customer trust.


The Transformation

With ParcelPanel in their arsenal, the transformation was palpable:

  • A Whopping 108x ROI: The post-purchase marketing strategies implemented via ParcelPanel didn’t just resonate; they converted, leading to an astounding ROI.
  • 56% Dip in WISMO Queries: With real-time tracking, customers were self-serving their queries, leading to a significant drop in support tickets.
  • 5.4% Spike in CSAT: The seamless post-purchase experience orchestrated by ParcelPanel saw customer satisfaction scores soaring once again.

In conclusion, ParcelPanel didn’t just offer Marc Gebauer a solution; it provided a strategic partnership, turning challenges into opportunities. As Marc continues to mesmerize his fans with his curated collection, he rests easy knowing that behind the scenes, ParcelPanel ensures every tick is in perfect sync.


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